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    POLAND REBAR: Prices stabilize, but mills eye post-summer increases

    شناسه : 27226 27 مرداد 1399 - 11:04 منبع : متال بولتن
    The domestic price of rebar in Poland has been stable compared to last week.
    POLAND REBAR: Prices stabilize, but mills eye post-summer increases

    Domestic prices for steel rebar in Poland were broadly stable over the past week, supported by costlier scrap, a lack of competitive import offers and limited availability, market sources told Fastmarkets on Friday August 14.

    At the same time, buying activity in the Polish rebar market receded amid the traditional summer slowdown, sources added. “Demand is weaker; cut-and-bend shops lack orders,” a trader said. “Construction is cooling down but not so much – usual August thing,” a second trader said.
    Despite this, steel rebar prices were stable over the past seven days due to higher scrap prices, lower availability and lack of competitive offers from overseas suppliers.
    Fastmarkets’ weekly price assessment for steel reinforcing bar (rebar), domestic, ex-works Poland, was at 1,900-1,940 zloty ($510-521) per tonne on Friday, unchanged from a week earlier. Most local mills were reported to be sold out of material for immediate delivery. “Currently only Celsa [Huta Ostrowiec] has got material available for sale, but not a wide range of diameters,” a buyer said.

    *** ArcelorMittal

    “ArcelorMittal [Warszawa] is sold out, the same as CMC [Zawiercie]. Maybe they have some amounts of small diameter rebar which they will roll in the near future,” a second buyer said.
    In the secondary market, steel rebar was heard traded at 1,930-1,940 zloty per tonne delivered, down by 10-40 zloty per tonne from 1,940-1,980 zloty per tonne last week, sources said.
    Several sources told Fastmarkets that Polish rebar producers plan to raise prices in September. “ArcelorMittal [Warszawa] will be limiting production in September and October, considering a price increase. CMC [Zawiercie] also would prefer to raise prices in September,” a third trader said.

    *** Import of rebar in poland

    Polish buyers showed little interest in booking imported rebar over the past week, market sources said. Rebar offers from a German mill, Riva Group, were heard at €۴۴۰ ($۵۲۰) per tonne delivered to Poland, which was not considered workable by local buyers. Offers of steel rebar from Moldova to Poland were at €۴۲۵ per tonne cpt (equivalent to about €۴۰۰ per tonne dap), which is the same as last week.
    Belarus-based steelmaker BMZ was reported to be operational despite riots in the country and August shipments are proceeding as scheduled. “We got info yesterday from BMZ that they are working and August shipments should be sent out according to plan. But it is very hard to reach them; their website works today but there are problems with phones and email,” a source told Fastmarkets.
    A deal for rebar with October delivery from Belarus was reported at €۴۰۰ per tonne dap border last week. The tonnage involved was not disclosed.

    *** Wire rod

    Domestic prices for drawing-quality wire rod (s235jr, 6-12mm) in Poland were at 1,940-1,950 zloty per tonne delivered in the week to Friday, unchanged from a week ago, market sources said.
    “I do not observe less activity; demand and production are at normal levels,” one market source told Fastmarkets. “Mills have good order intakes, and are mostly sold out for immediate tonnages,” a second market source said. Market participants believe that Polish wire rod producers will also try to increase prices in September on both higher scrap and expected higher demand.

    Reference: metal bulletin

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