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    “Sarghini” has a plan for export of steel

    شناسه : 27816 13 شهریور 1399 - 10:41
    Iran's mineral reserves are about 5 billion tons and the amount of extraction of these materials has increased from 120 million tons in 2003 to more than 400 million tons in recent years. On the other hand, in the production chain of items such as steel and copper, significant changes have occurred and the amount of production in these sectors is increasing.In an interview with Dr. Dariush Ismaili, the current situation of the country's mining sector and mineral industries in the year of economic leap and on the eve of the eighth year of the government of prudence and hope has been examined.Dr. Dariush Esmaili, who has been appointed as the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade since February 2017, believes that by delegating part of the powers of the Supreme Council of Mines to the provinces, a great change will take place in the mining sector.

    we hope to be assigned or see what Dr. Sarghini, as the new head of the ministry, thinks is appropriate. What are they planning?

    Iran’s mineral reserves are about 5 billion tons and the amount of extraction of these materials has increased from 120 million tons in 2003 to more than 400 million tons in recent years. On the other hand, in the production chain of items such as steel and copper, significant changes have occurred and the amount of production in these sectors is increasing.

    In an interview with Dr. Dariush Ismaili, the current situation of the country’s mining sector and mineral industries in the year of economic leap and on the eve of the eighth year of the government of prudence and hope has been examined.

    Dr. Dariush Esmaili, who has been appointed as the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade since February 2017, believes that by delegating part of the powers of the Supreme Council of Mines to the provinces, a great change will take place in the mining sector.


    *** In this year’s Nowruz message, the Supreme Leader said that a leap in production would occur and that this leap would have a tangible impact on people’s lives. In relation to the field of mining and mineral industries, how did the leap year begin and what was the situation in this sector?

    According to the Supreme Leader, this year has been named the Year of Production Leap. In the mining and mineral industries, we believe that we could and can have the most leaps in production in this sector. For this reason, from the beginning of 1399, we have made plans in this direction and we have been able to take effective steps.

    The field of deputy for mining and mining industries is a field of policy-making and it is not a field of enterprise that, for example, we say we are implementing a certain project. Our job is to facilitate and facilitate processes that can lead to a leap in production.

    In this regard, we have taken several important steps in the mining sector, one of which is the circular that we had prepared, and Mr. Modarres Khiabani was supposed to sign the previous head of the ministry, but they did not have the opportunity, and now Mr. Sarghini is in Kartabal. Signed soon. This circular is related to the delegation of powers of the Supreme Council of Mines to the Provincial Mines Council.

    This is a great help to facilitate, and it is no longer necessary for all cases to come for a long time and go through different stages and be presented to the Supreme Council of Mines. This is a very valuable move.


    *** Activation of mines is stagnant

    Secondly, in this regard, a very important step that we took was to update the review of the applicants’ files in the High Council of Mines. So that today we do not have any case in the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade that is about a month old and the High Council of Mines has not made a decision. Of course, about 110 cases were ready to be signed by Mr. Modarres Khiabani as the head of the ministry and the head of the High Council of Mines, which apparently did not have the opportunity and we hope to be assigned or see what Dr. Sarghini, as the new head of the ministry, thinks is appropriate. What are they planning?

    Expert work on this number of cases has also been done and with their notification, the review of cases in the High Council of Mines is up to date.

    Another point is the activation of stagnant mines. This year, from the very beginning, we made a plan with provincial sections to activate at least 25% of the country’s inactive mines, that is, out of 4,500 inactive mines, about 110 will be activated. We have done the planning and the clinical work done in the last year, we knew the issues and problems related to them and we took practical steps in this regard.

    For example, one of the most important problems of these inactive mines was financial issues. By increasing the capital of the Mining Insurance Fund to 500 billion Tomans, we have provided the possibility of paying 3,000 billion Tomans in loans in banks. The fund issues an insurance policy, meaning that the mine is mortgaged to the fund and introduced to the bank to receive a loan.


    *** Apart from these measures, what other works have been done in the field of Deputy Minister of Mines this year?

    – We have signed memoranda of understanding with large groups of Gol Gohar, Chadormelo, Mobarakeh Steel and the National Copper Industries Company, which are also related to financial discussions and the purchase of minerals, especially iron ore and the purchase of copper minerals. Memoranda of Understanding have been signed with the aim of ensuring that small and mostly inactive mines have problems and think that their minerals have no buyers, based on separate contracts between each mine and one of these large complexes and under the supervision of the Ministry of Mines. Their financial and technical and expert force is being solved, and this has been a very big step.

    Another point is about the various directives that we have decided to reduce the number of directives related to mining. We hope to summarize and update the existing 200 directives into 50 to 70 directives.

    In the field of government rights, we did not have any increase in government salaries in 1398 compared to 1397. Exactly based on the year 1397, we said to be calculated. This year, when the Corona debate took place, we gave a three-month opportunity to give all activities and commitments a three-month deadline. In the discussion of government rights, we, as a ministry, will definitely make the same proposal to the Supreme Council of Mines as last year.


    *** In 1398, about 1,800 billion tomans of government salaries were taken from the owners of the mines.

    – For the year 1399, 2800 billion Tomans of government salaries have been seen in the budget law. To date, we have received 2350 billion tomans out of 2800 billion tomans and we think we will receive more than 2800 billion tomans. We may even receive more than 4,000 billion tomans of government salaries in 1399.

    We have received these government salaries, but we have not received any increase in government salaries from the miners. We have had a demand for the previous years and we can find numbers

    We received attention from large collections such as the National Copper Industries Company, Sarcheshmeh Copper, Gol Gohar and Chadormelo. These were large collections with significant debt. We believe that we should be patient with small and medium-sized mines and keep them on the scene so that they do not suffer, especially with this situation caused by the corona, and our production increases day by day.


    *** Different figures have been raised about the amount of mineral extraction. In May of this year, Your Excellency, you announced the figure of 410 million tons, and Mr. Rahmani mentioned the figure of 470 billion Tomans in the same May of this year, when he was Minister of Industry and Mines. A few months after the new year, it is clear exactly how much we have extracted last year?

    – The problem we have, especially in the field of extraction, is that the system is not completely electronic and intelligent, and providing up-to-date information is a bit difficult, but now it is clear that we had about 490 million tons of mineral extraction in 1398.


    *** In 1398, the export of minerals and mineral industries was 9 billion dollars. It is said that this year’s export target is $ 10.5 billion. Is it possible to achieve $ 10.5 billion in exports due to the situation caused by the corona and the recession in the world markets?

    – We hope this amount of exports will be realized. In the first four months of the year, we did not have as much success in exports as we thought, meaning that our products, and especially our steel products, had a 30 to 35 percent drop in exports.

    I think that with the presence of Dr. Sarghini as the head of the ministry and the measures that they will take and the cooperation and intellectual coordination that will be established with the private sector and administrative complexes, we can increase exports and achieve what is predicted. Find.

    We still hope that this amount of exports will be realized and we will help the private sector. In the meetings that we have had and will have, we will review what assistance the Ministry of Industry and Mines can do to boost the export sector, but what is important is that today it is active in the country’s non-oil exports, the same mining sectors. And mining and petrochemical industries.


    *** With the increase in prices that has occurred globally, is it possible to compensate for the decrease in exports and increase the country’s income from exports and thus?

    – Both the increase in prices can help and the volume of our exports can help. In the first quarter of the year, we had a 10% increase in crude steel production in the steel sector and the steel chain, but our exports decreased and the export of ingots and steel products such as rebars, profiles and sheets decreased.

    We think that if we reconsider the general policy of the Ministry of Industry and Mines and Dr. Sarghini will definitely take this path, both our domestic market will calm down and prices will be balanced and acceptable, and prices Will decrease and our exports will increase.

    When steelmakers could sell the steel produced on the commodity exchange about 40 to 50 percent higher than the export price, there was no reason for them to export. Both the people inside the country lost and our exports decreased.

    We hope that with the revision that Dr. Sarghini will surely implement, the domestic market will calm down and then it will be profitable for the steelmaker to export.


    *** The government is ready to launch 200 major projects from the beginning of 1399 to the end of the current government. Of these 200 projects, are there any plans to open this week in the government that will have a major impact on industry and mining?

    – We have plans to open in the mining and mineral industries. It is a great honor for the Islamic Republic of Iran that today the country’s steel ranks tenth.

    There are such projects, and in the iron ore sector, in copper or in sodium carbonate, projects are ready to be opened, and we have to see which of these projects will be inaugurated in the government week.

    We have opened a sodium carbonate production unit in Firoozabad, Fars province, where the raw materials are a large collection of downstream glass and detergent industries and have been imported so far. Not only will we no longer be importers in this area, but we can export some of it. We also inaugurated the production of pellets in Fars province with a production of 2.5 million and sponge iron with a production of 1.8 million tons in Fars province.

    Certainly, these products will affect the steel chain and the country’s economy. All great designs are definitely effective. Of course, we can not say that all these 200 projects are as effective as this unit of sodium carbonate or as a heavy steelmaking complex, but they are certainly effective and will transform our economy.


    *** Regarding the export duties of 20% decorative stone and 25% iron ore, what is your final decision?

    – These tolls that were collected last year, remain the same for 1399 and have not been extended or rejected. Accordingly, the customs receives duties based on the procedure of the previous year.

    We will soon decide on all items, including iron ore, steel products and other ores such as manganese, lead and zinc, and announce it to help boost production.


    *** You mentioned that 490 million tons of minerals were extracted in 1398. How much increase will we have in this field in 1399?

    – We hope it will increase to at least 540 to 550 million tons. This is our planning and it is possible to achieve this goal. As much as that Now and in 1399, we have produced the same trend and path shows.


    Mine 24

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