سه شنبه, ۱ آبان , ۱۴۰۳ 19 ربيع ثاني 1446 Tuesday, 22 October , 2024 ساعت ×
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  • × کاربر گرامی! قیمت محصولات فولادی بروز رسانی شد مشاهده قیمت ها

    The problem of export duties has not been solved

    شناسه : 30305 18 شهریور 1399 - 14:18
    The mining sector has faced many ups and downs during Hassan Rouhani's presidency. Experts have sometimes criticized the government and sometimes been satisfied with the government's policies. With less than a year left in the Twelfth Government, we went to the experts in this week's file to ask for their suggestions and opinions on the Twelfth Government's roadmap for the remaining year and to prioritize the government's plans in the mining sector.

    Hassan Hosseinghli, president of the Union of Lead and Zinc Exporters of Iran, in response to the question of what proposal you have to the twelfth government in the remaining period of its life, said: The problem of export duties has not been solved since last year.


    *** Legal customs operate

    He added: “Taking tolls from raw materials such as concentrate is one of the problems we have been facing since last year.” He emphasized: “In 1998, while the export duties on materials such as concentrate increased by 20%, the definition of raw material in the law on removing barriers to production was clear.” The head of the Union of Lead and Zinc Exporters of Iran, referring to the definition of raw material, continued: “The raw material of a mine is a material that is extracted from the mountains and no physical or chemical and quality action is taken on it;” Therefore, no side effects should be taken from lead and zinc concentrate.

    Referring to the decision of the Economic Council and the Council of Ministers, he said: “Unfortunately, concentrate was defined as a raw material and according to the decision of the Economic Coordination Council, which is a subset of the Council of Heads of Forces and the former Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade by the end of 1998 to export this mineral. A percentage was set. Referring to the opposition of mining activists in this regard, Husseinghli said: “With the many runs that mining activists did, finally in the middle of last winter, the export duties on concentrate were reduced from 20% to 12%.”


    *** Customs duties

    He continued: “We expected that according to the letter of the former Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, this amount of tolls will be received by the end of the year, but the important point is that the customs has received 12% tolls from us until today. It was mentioned that in the initial letter of the former minister, it was specified that these tolls would be collected by the end of 1998.

    The head of the Union of Lead and Zinc Exporters of Iran, emphasizing that customs should be transparent and legal, said: If the former Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade, Reza Rahmani in the second letter changed the toll to 12 percent and did not rewrite by the end of the year Customs should collect duties, they should refer to the first letter, not continue this process in 1999. He asked the head of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade in a letter to the customs to act transparently and in accordance with the law.


    *** Requires stable rules

    Mahmoud Goharin, a member of the board of directors of the Iran Mining House, said in response to a question about what proposal you have to the twelfth government for the rest of its life: “A series of policies must change; For example, if we increase property interest, government fees and taxes, we must also think about the consequences. We need to know that the laws of the hour do not always work.

    Referring to the closure of mines in the country and the need for the government to pay attention to it, the member of the Mining House said: “The increase in tolls has consequences such as rising unemployment and layoffs.” This can be a big blow to the miner, because when costs exceed profits, we gradually move to closure. Referring to the impact of sudden decisions, such as the increase in tolls and its disadvantages for mining activities, Goharin said: “Hourly laws have always been detrimental, because they also prevent foreign companies from cooperating with us.” Let’s not forget that the first thing foreign companies are looking for is stable rules.


    *** last word

    Ministries and officials cannot deal with foreigners with different laws every day because they need intellectual security. A member of the board of directors of Iran Mining House stressed the need for foresight in the mining sector and said: “If we take more money from the operator, our problem will not be solved, but we will add only one problem to the problems of the mining sector.” If we want the mining sector to grow and the economy to flourish as a result, we must avoid sudden and destructive decisions that are more to the detriment of the miner and in the long run to the detriment of the economy.

    The mining sector is one of the areas that can play the role of savior in the current state of the economy. Mining activists believe that the government should be forward-thinking and not throw stones at mining activists during the remaining period by enacting laws of the hour, increasing unprecedented tolls, and so on.



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