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    Iranian oil approached the world market

    شناسه : 45035 23 فروردین 1400 - 11:30
    With the arrival of Borjam in the new chapter of its negotiations, the Iranian oil market has flourished and Iran has also used this opportunity well. The nature of Iranian oil has caused many buyers to place an order to buy Iranian oil. This issue is not pleasant at all for the countries of the region, especially Saudi Arabia and Israel, and they are trying to continue the negotiation process.
    Iranian oil approached the world market

    From the course of the Iran-US nuclear talks, it can be concluded that the two sides are seeking to reach a common ground. Yesterday, the Americans announced their serious issue for the lifting of oil sanctions. This issue can be considered the end of oil sanctions and the return of prosperity to Iranian oil and energy transactions. At least for a short period of time. Stay tuned to Artan Press.

    *** Political margins around Barjam and oil sanctions

    First, we will deal with the political margins around Borjam. This issue will strongly affect the pricing of Iranian oil in the near future. Russia’s representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says the next round of talks is likely to take place in the Austrian capital Vienna on April 14 (April 14). He hopes that by then, the negotiating parties, along with the United States, will have analyzed the recent talks and clarified their position on speeding up the talks. Most likely, if action is taken in a positive direction, the first issue will be Iran’s oil and the end of Iran’s oil sanctions.

    *** Barjami talks beyond oil embargo

    The recent talk has not been solely about Iranian oil sanctions. The demarcation of the talks is not entirely clear, and talks have been going on in recent days with the focus on lifting all sanctions, but the United States is only emphasizing the lifting of sanctions related to nuclear and nuclear weapons. During his four-year term, Trump has imposed sanctions on the pretext of terrorism, missiles, elections, hacking, etc., which include the Central Bank, the National Oil Company, the National Oil Company, and other institutions related to national security. It is the United States, and its repeal will certainly be met with protests from Democrats and Republicans.

    *** It takes time for Iran to return to its nuclear commitments

    On the other hand, with the cessation of Iran’s implementation of Borjam obligations, the centrifuges have been reactivated and the return of Iran will be more difficult every day and will probably need to be re-approved by IAEA inspectors and time is limited. This situation has caused the American side to show at least for a short time and in a timely manner if it has a plan to advance these negotiations. Therefore, it is predicted that the first sanctions to be lifted will be the Iranian oil sanctions.

    *** High attractiveness of Iranian oil market

    This issue has made the Iranian oil market more attractive and more countries have announced their readiness to buy Iranian oil. As indicated in recent days. Statistics show a 60% increase in Iranian oil sales. Of course, in the current situation, Iran offers its oil at a lower price than other producers, and most of the Chinese buy cheap Iranian oil. But it is expected that with the continuation of the growing process of negotiations, the Iranian side will have more incentives.

    *** US decision to lift sanctions on Iranian oil

    At this stage, the United States appears to have rushed into the UN Security Council and lifted sanctions, and at least their planning will be in doubt, but to allay its domestic concerns, it will pledge to Iran to negotiate. Missile and hack etc. cooperate. If this scenario happens, we will see a sharp drop in the price of the dollar in Iran and the release of speculative markets in Iran. This will cause the price of Iranian oil to increase by at least 30% and there will be no need to sell cheaply.

    *** Competitive advantage of Iranian oil for international industries

    Another issue to note is that Iranian oil is of better quality than the oil of other neighboring countries due to its light nature and can be considered a good feed for many factories. Therefore, if US sanctions are lifted, Iranian oil is expected to record a huge jump in exchange rates and volumes from 2016 onwards, which could be a great gift for the next Iranian government.

    *** Iran’s strong message to American negotiators

    The head of the Iranian delegation, Abbas Araghchi, said on April 9th ​​after a week of diplomatic meetings in the Austrian capital that extensive technical and expert advice would be provided when reorganizing them to draw up a list of US and Iranian actions. Iran has insisted that the United States unilaterally lift all sanctions it imposed unilaterally after withdrawing from the agreement in 2018, while US officials said Iran’s nuclear breach in the agreement must first be rectified.

    *** The leadership insists on lifting all sanctions

    The Supreme Leader of Iran said that Iran insists that it will start fulfilling its obligations only after the lifting of all sanctions against the Islamic Republic by the United States. The Biden government has conditioned Iran’s return to nuclear activities before considering lifting sanctions. Despite the fact that the United States and Iran are now indirectly negotiating – through European countries, Russia and the Chinese in the nuclear deal – positions remain separate. The United States and Iran both want the other to give the first point.

    *** Damage to the lifting of oil sanctions on Saudi Arabia an Israel

    This is by no means understandable and acceptable to the Saudi and Israeli sides. For three years now, Saudi Arabia has been compensating for Iran’s oil shortage in world markets and has actually made a profit equivalent to three times Iran’s oil revenue. In the current situation, he can not tolerate this situation without intervention. Iran is a strategic rival of Saudi Arabia, and the import of Iranian oil will be the end of Saudi oil revenue.

    *** Environmental threats to the detriment of Saudi Arabia

    With the world moving towards less carbon production, Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates will go through difficult times, and their heavily dependent economies will not be able to bear the exorbitant costs and loans they receive. So they will try to get the US government to prolong the negotiations. Did not imagine. It has benefited the most from sanctions on Iran, and its safe haven has been made insecure by the Biden government’s decisions. We have to see which groups will end these negotiations.

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