سه شنبه, ۱ آبان , ۱۴۰۳ 19 ربيع ثاني 1446 Tuesday, 22 October , 2024 ساعت ×
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    Steel in Iran | صفحه ۱۶ از ۲۳ | آرتان پرس

    Assessing amount of bubble in Iran’s domestic steel market
    2 سال قبل

    Assessing amount of bubble in Iran’s domestic steel market

    The steel market bubble in recent months has been linked to changes in the dollar, something that analysts have not overlooked. The maximum allowable base rate for ingots is 14,580. With a simple calculation, it can be concluded that the steel market bubble fluctuates around 8% negatively.

    4 سال قبل

    Export games, the scourge of the mining industries

    "Intensification of sanctions, mismanagement, lack of careful planning, export restrictions are among the most important factors that, if not managed, will lead to large losses in the mineral stock market," said a senior analyst of international markets for mining and mineral industries.

    4 سال قبل

    Cancellation of steel transactions bilateral losses

    A significant part of the issue of cancellation of steel transactions should be attributed to the reduction of pre-receipt of steel ingots transactions, which provided the ground for growth in demand for this product in the trading ring of the Commodity Exchange. Inflation in the steel market has escalated every time the trading tool has been used, but it seems that the authorities are not paying attention to the market signs and the warnings of the Steel Producers Association, and they continue to misrepresent the market with wrong policies. They break up. According to the Association of Steel Producers, the return of the Commodity Exchange to the inflammatory process of canceling steel transactions was repeated last week. On September 3, 106,200 tons of steel ingots were offered on the Commodity Exchange, but in a strange move, the Commodity Exchange did not approve any of the transactions!

    4 سال قبل

    Exports of steel products are non-competitive

    Seven years have passed since the eleventh and twelfth governments, and only one year remains since the twelfth government took office. A year in which the rulers can continue with the same process or try to reform things according to the opinions of industrial activists and producers

    4 سال قبل

    The problem of export duties has not been solved

    The mining sector has faced many ups and downs during Hassan Rouhani's presidency. Experts have sometimes criticized the government and sometimes been satisfied with the government's policies. With less than a year left in the Twelfth Government, we went to the experts in this week's file to ask for their suggestions and opinions on the Twelfth Government's roadmap for the remaining year and to prioritize the government's plans in the mining sector.

    4 سال قبل

    repettive increasing in the price of steel products

    In a note, a steel industry expert, while explaining the situation of the country's steel market and examining the problems and obstacles to its progress, emphasized that the increase in the dollar rate and subsequent inflation rate has caused a sharp increase in the price of steel products. However, with the release of positive news in the political atmosphere of the country, it can be predicted that the steel market will face a huge price reduction.

    4 سال قبل

    Chadormelo Mining Company investment in mining and steel

    In this year's program, Chadormelo predicts the extraction of 15 million tons of iron ore, the production of 9.5 million tons of iron concentrate, 500,000 tons of granulated iron ore, 3.7 million tons of pellets, 1.5 million tons of sponge iron and the production of 1 million tons of steel ingots.

    4 سال قبل

    steel market: masterpiece of turmoil in the despite surplus production!

    Studies show that the problems of the steel industry are rooted in the weakness of policies in this area, including unfair quotas, non-transparent performance of some producers and insistence on fixed pricing.

    4 سال قبل

    Necessity for startups to enter the mining sector

    Keyvan Jafari Tehrani, Senior Analyst of International Steel Industry Markets, welcomes the launch of the first accelerator start-up in the mining sector, but attributes its success and development to the support of various institutions.

    4 سال قبل

    iron ore prices: sanctions have no effect

    The head of the Ardabil Iron Traders' Union said: "If gold signatures and rent-seeking are prevented in the steel and iron discussion, we will not face a price increase at all."Fluctuations in the hardware market in the country have entertained activists in the field of housing and especially mass builders. Activists who are now unable to provide an accurate estimate of how much they will have to pay to build a building.In the meantime, of course, the main victims are the citizens who, after years of hardship and running, have been trying to find a place to live. But the high prices and fluctuations in the iron and steel market and, of course, other construction materials, have caused these people to give the gift of buying a house to their rivals.

    4 سال قبل

    Assignment of steel sheets manufacturing companies to be offered on the commodity exchange

    Given the inflammation in the steel sheet market, this decision can, with the verification of buyers, create better conditions for the real manufacturer and ultimately lead to the elimination of intermediaries. This situation, above all, reduces the total cost price for manufactured products and raises the possibility that prices will not grow in the open market and even reduce this rate and strengthen marketing power in export markets. This experience has been experienced in the market of polymers and has brought an acceptable and desirable result, so its expansion to other markets and goods is predictable. Verification and testing of the optimizer system has been a major demand of activists in the complementary and construction-oriented industries for many years, and we are now witnessing that such an event is taking place with the determination of the Ministry of Silence.