سه شنبه, ۱ آبان , ۱۴۰۳ 19 ربيع ثاني 1446 Tuesday, 22 October , 2024 ساعت ×
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    Steel in Iran | صفحه ۴ از ۲۳ | آرتان پرس

    Assessing amount of bubble in Iran’s domestic steel market
    2 سال قبل

    Assessing amount of bubble in Iran’s domestic steel market

    The steel market bubble in recent months has been linked to changes in the dollar, something that analysts have not overlooked. The maximum allowable base rate for ingots is 14,580. With a simple calculation, it can be concluded that the steel market bubble fluctuates around 8% negatively.

    Steel ingots offers in Asian balloon after Chinese aggressive purchases
    3 سال قبل

    Steel ingots offers in Asian balloon after Chinese aggressive purchases

    The market for steel ingots and, consequently, raw materials in Asia has been accompanied by rising prices due to China's stormy purchases. The Japanese intend to share in the Chinese long-term profits by raising their trading prices. Some countries are also ready to meet the dire need for Chinese steel. The Philippines has had good business cooperation with the Chinese this week.

    Reasons for rising steel prices since beginning of this year
    3 سال قبل

    Reasons for rising steel prices since beginning of this year

    The growth of steel prices has taken place in Iran in a situation where many domestic and international factors together can continue this trend until the end of the year. This is a wake-up call for the steel industry. It is enough for the government to turn to mandatory pricing policy. In this situation, we will see double market prices and closure of many factories by the end of the year.

    Cement supply scenario in commodity exchange
    3 سال قبل

    Cement supply scenario in commodity exchange

    The parliament has recently proposed a scenario for the supply of cement in the commodity exchange. This plan in the community can help solve the problem of cement supply in the short term. But it can not play an effective role in discovering the real price of this product in the open market. It is necessary to think about the supply of electricity to the industrialists as soon as possible.

    Uncertainty in process of iron ore trading
    3 سال قبل

    Uncertainty in process of iron ore trading

    The iron ore market in all countries of the world has been waiting for the movements of the Chinese market for some time. Under these circumstances, the Chinese iron ore market has not reached a definite decision on the outcome of the price. China's iron ore futures are falling. But this price drop was not observed in this week's short-term trading.

    International crude iron market price stability
    3 سال قبل

    International crude iron market price stability

    The crude iron market is currently experiencing slight fluctuations in tonnage prices due to the general recession in the steel market. Stable prices in this area due to the trading behavior of the Russians. Russia is the largest producer of crude iron. It does not intend to sell cheaply in this area.

    Impact of capital closure on domestic steel market fluctuations
    3 سال قبل

    Impact of capital closure on domestic steel market fluctuations

    Steel market trading is stagnant enough. Now, due to the statement of the National Anti-Corona Headquarters, we are witnessing the closure of government offices, banks and markets in Tehran for six days. This could come as a short-term shock to steel prices next week. This is not good news for any sympathetic activist in the market.

    Production of 60 million tons of steel ingots in spring of this year
    3 سال قبل

    Production of 60 million tons of steel ingots in spring of this year

    Iran's steel ingot production in the first quarter of this year has exceeded 6 million tons. Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel is ranked first in this field with more than 40% of steel ingot production. Overall, the high export demand in this area has caused all producing countries to face the highest production growth.

    Rising prices of export steel ingots, electric shocks or rising demand?
    3 سال قبل

    Rising prices of export steel ingots, electric shocks or rising demand?

    The price of steel ingots in the export sector and the domestic market has increased significantly due to frequent power outages and distancing from production programs. Continuation of this trend can lead to irreparable economic losses for the Iranian economy. Due to the middle nature of steel ingot prices, price growth in this sector can lead to price growth in the whole chain.

    Restrictions on steel production spark prices
    3 سال قبل

    Restrictions on steel production spark prices

    Restrictions on steel production due to industrial power outages in July this year caused it to experience significant growth as steel prices fell this month. Ribbed rebar has grown by a total of 11 percent and the entire steel chain by an average of 30 percent. Continuation of the stagflation of the steel market will cause irreparable damage to Iran's industrial economy.

    Steel demand was zero
    3 سال قبل

    Steel demand was zero

    In recent days, we have witnessed a doubling of steel supplies in a situation where demand in the steel market has approached zero. Except for a few large state-owned companies, there is no news of order registration in the commodity exchange. The free steel market is also experiencing a worse situation. The deep recession in construction is the main cause of this crisis in the steel industry.